VSO & Non-Profit Partners

W4W is working with VSOs (Veteran Service Organizations) around the country to work with Veterans to continue their service to their country by fulfilling roles as Telecommunication Infrastructure Technicians. VSOs are a vital part of our communities serving often as a place for the community to congregate as a community, provide relief to our local communities in times of hardship and disaster and serving as a center to assist Veterans as they acclimate back into our communities. At a national level, these organizations are the reason we as veterans have things like the GI Bill, Veterans Medical benefits and they continuously fight for the rights of all Veterans. We are proud to work with them and they include:

Veteran of Foreign Wars

The VFW is the largest combat veterans organization in the United States, founded in 1899 by veterans returning home from the Spanish American War. Today there are over 1.7 Million members of this esteemed organization and Posts exist in every state and overseas.

Our voice was instrumental in establishing the Veterans Administration, development of the national cemetery system, in the fight for compensation for Vietnam vets exposed to Agent Orange and for veterans diagnosed with Gulf War Syndrome. In 2008, we won a long-fought victory with the passing of a GI Bill for the 21st Century, giving expanded educational benefits to America’s active duty service members, and members of the guard and reserves, fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. We were the driving force behind the Veterans Access and Accountability Act of 2014, and continually fight for improved VA medical centers services for women veterans.

Besides helping fund the creation of the Vietnam, Korean War, World War II and Women in Military Service memorials, in 2005 the VFW became the first veterans’ organization to contribute to building the new Disabled Veterans for Life Memorial, which opened in November 2010. And in 2015, we became the first supporter of the National Desert Storm War Memorial which is planned for construction at our nation’s capital.

American Legion

The American Legion was chartered by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization. Focusing on service to veterans, service members and communities, the Legion evolved from a group of war-weary veterans of World War I into one of the most influential nonprofit groups in the United States. Membership swiftly grew to over 1 million, and local posts sprang up across the country. Today, membership stands at over 2.4 million in 14,000 posts worldwide. The posts are organized into 55 departments: one each for the 50 states, along with the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico and the Philippines.

Over the years, the Legion has influenced considerable social change in America, won hundreds of benefits for veterans and produced many important programs for children and youth.

Additional organizations include RP6/USO, the Valor Bridge Foundation, Project Sanctuary, SFL-TAP and many others.

Who We Are


Warriors 4 Wireless is a charitable organization existing solely to help veterans find decent paying careers in the growing 5G wireless workforce.  We have invested well over $5,200,000 of contributed funds to assist veterans joining the telecom workforce. We have connected over 5,100 veterans to telecom career opportunities. let us help you!


What We Do


Contact over 100,000 veterans per year to tell them about decent paying telecom career opportunities.

Coach over 20,000 veterans per year about “direct connect” or “train and connect”  paths to career opportunities near them.

Connect over 1,000 veterans per year to GROUND-based or CLIMBING telecom careers.